Good morning ❤️ its long I posted something and am really sorry 😊 Forgiven? Yes, thank you 🤗. It's positive vibes Tuesday!
I would have began by telling you that mindset is everything,🤷 oh yes it is😊, but I can't ignore the fact that we got those low moments😢, those difficult moments😰, you and I felt that we needed prophet Elijah in our lives to transform little oil and a piece of bread left as he did for the Zarephath widow when the land had no rain!! Corona is around and maybe all you need is hope💪🤗
We have made a prayer like;
'Lord, I don't wanna just read and hear about you from other people. I don't wanna celebrate the testimonies of other people whom you have showed up in their lives😢. I am honestly happy and grateful for their testimonies😔, but if you can do it for them🙍, you can do it for me as well. Please show up and ensure you show off in my life🤗.
I don't wanna hear about you God!😧 I wanna see you 😢 I know you hear me when I pray🤦
You have answered me severally by putting me in situations that I wasn't prepared for and outwitted me😒.
Even in the midst of Corona, since you are God of impossibilities (Luke 1:37), please ensure you show up in a way to show off in my life😊'
This is just a reminder that it gonna be well😊
It could be over but just dust yourself off😊💪
#Positive vibes Tuesday 😍
#Poetic Tuesday 😊♥️
Amen,amen dear... thanks for encouraging
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